The New Year brings new starts, new resolutions and new ideas.  Occasionally though, it helps to review old rules especially when it comes to writing the perfect blog post.  We know the timing of a post is key to its success and an irresistible headline will capture attention.  However, a strong first sentence and valuable content is crucial to keep people reading and bring you closer to perfection.

Don’t forget that if you’re making promises in your blog post title, you need to follow through with that promise in the post. Empty promises will not create a loyal following and you’ll likely gain an untrustworthy reputation. Make sure your readers know just how much they’re going to benefit from reading your blog post, and deliver those benefits clearly.

The following infographic from on the secrets of a killer blog post, dives down into how to make your blog post a success and keep your audience coming back for more.  Here’s to old and new post perfection!
