In today’s fast moving search, social and mobile world, the way we reach audiences continues to change. That means our jobs as marketers and business owners  is also evolving. Content marketing is one of the best ways to ensure your business is visible where your customers are spending time – search engines, social networks, blogs, and mobile devices

To help you navigating this new complex world, we’ve assembled some insights and tips from the expert speakers at the upcoming 2013 Content Marketing Strategies Conference May 7-9, in Berkeley, CA.

Arnie Kuenn on the importance of SEO.

Arnie is the President of Vertical Measures, an SEO expert, and frequent speaker and author.

What we’ve concluded from all the changes in the past 2-3 years in the world of content marketing is that Google really wants to convince you of one thing: creating great content is the way to go. That being said, SEO is still just as important. You must optimize, optimize, optimize: your content, image tags, videos…everything! Then you need to promote it. Distribute it. Get backlinks to it. Professional SEO’s understand this and are implementing these tactics better than anyone out there right now.

Maria Ross on the importance of the brand story.

Maria is the Founder of Red Slice, brand strategist, author and speaker.

Being consistent means identifying and articulating the key things for which you want your brand to be known, and ensuring you deliver that promise through everything that you do. Brands get into trouble when they promise one thing but fail to consistently deliver it through every single customer touchpoint. You can’t possibly be all things to all people so choose wisely and focus on those messages.

Scott Frangos on Google+.

Scott is the Founder & President of WebDirexion, chief optimizer and speaker on Google+.

Even as more features are added to Google+, marketers have yet to wrap their strategic and tactical minds around ways to take full advantage of the existing G+ system.  Here are four initial brainstorms:

  • Use a community(s) to build interest for a Google hangout on a business topic, then stream the hangout live and save it on your YouTube channel.
  • Build your circles wisely, then use the post to circle emails and calendar scheduling to invite the right people to an online or offline event.  Be careful here — all the SPAM cautions apply.
  • Authors and thought leaders — brand your Google+ location with a personal URL — mine is
  • Have a smart surf of “Google “Ripples” to see what people are buzzing about and listen to prospects, competitors and colleagues about a particular post, topic and website.

Lindy Roux on content creation.

Lindy is the Principal Content Strategist at Siteworx.

Businesses often don’t fully realize the amount of content they actually need to create, review and ultimately map for their website. With the investment your company is making in redesigning your website, why risk your site’s success by not properly addressing the content? To prevent this, I highly recommend that content be considered a managed risk, just as any other component of website development.

James Citron on mobile content distribution.

James is the CEO & co-Founder of Mogreet and mobile marketing expert.

When content is shared to consumers by MMS, brands have the option to include prompts to share the received information across social channels.  And there are major benefits to the brand for including social sharing in messages. First, it empowers the customer to share the amazing, exclusive branded content with their friends and family.  Secondly, it activates word of mouth marketing, increasing the trust factor dramatically. Content shared by friends is much more likely to convert into higher database opt-ins than content shared by a brand, alone.

Getting started with content marketing can seem a bit overwhelming – not enough time, resources or knowledge. Take our three day crash course May 7-9, 2013 and learn from your peers including  case studies by brands including Red Hat, New Belgium Brewing, FOX’s hit show Glee and much more.