After turning off the alarm, is the next thing you reach for is your first cup of coffee? Do you really need this early-morning jolt of caffeine? Did you know early morning may not be the best time to drink coffee?

I’m uncertain whether the following article from Yahoo! Food is based on valid scientific research or conjecture, but it’s worth reading to reevaluate your morning routine:

Why You Should Wait to Drink Your Coffee in the A.M.

Most of us probably try to down our first Cup of Joe as soon after we wake up as possible. But a new video by AsapScience parses the research and reveals that the best time to drink coffee is actually not when you first wake up, but about an hour later.


It has to do with our circadian rhythm, the built-in biological clock that, among other things, regulates the release of cortisol, a hormone related to alertness. Cortisol levels peak around 8 a.m. and 9 a.m., AsapScience notes, as part of our natural waking process. And if we drink coffee or other caffeinated beverages during this peak cortisol production phase, the caffeine is less effective. Plus, we build up a greater tolerance to it over time, meaning we have to drink more and more for the same pick-me-up.

Best time to drink coffee is not the morning. Cortisol in your body peaks between 8am - 9am.

What is the Circadian Rhythm?

Often referred to as the “body clock”, the circadian rhythm is a 24-hour cycle that tells our bodies when to sleep and regulates many other physiological processes. This internal body clock is affected by environmental cues, like light and temperature.

The best time to drink coffee is determined by your circadian cycles? It is generally believed that there are “biologic clocks” within our body that control these rhythms.

When is the Best Time to Drink Coffee

Best time to drink coffee is after your cortisol levels have dropped.

Cortisol surge is regulated by the time the sun is out, so it happens no matter what time we hit the sack or wake. (Science has shown we have two more spikes during the day — between noon and 1 p.m. and between 5:30 p.m. and 6:30 p.m. — making those times less than ideal for a coffee break.) Cortisol levels, however, have also been found to jump by fifty percent right after we wake up no matter what time of day that is.

What’s a caffeine lover to do?

Wait at least an hour [after you wake up] to get your Cup of Joe,” AsapScience advises, “and your body will be optimally ready to go.” That is if you don’t hit the snooze button and nod off in the meantime.

Best time to drink coffee is after your cortisol levels have dropped between 9:30 am and 11:30 am.

Infographic Source:

Not that you need an excuse to drink coffee but consider the health benefits. From OutsideOnline:

The [coffeee] routine isn’t the only thing that’s good for you. Population-based research shows that regular coffee drinkers live longer, with a 10 to 13 percent reduction in risk of premature death, says nutritionist Mike Roussell. Plus, having a morning cup of joe is linked to a reduced risk of diabetes and a reduced risk of cancer. Studies also show that those who drink three to five cups a day see a 65 percent reduced risk of Alzheimer’s or dementia later in life.

Now go enjoy your coffee!


What time do you think is the best time to drink coffee?

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