Geez. It’s been a busy week – not to mention it’s Spring Break!

From the mouth of Ellen:

Happy spring break, everybody. Here’s my advice: Use sunscreen, no naked selfies, and don’t drink and tweet. I learned that last one the hard way.

Need a trusted resource to keep you up to date on important content marketing news? We’ve got you covered. Our weekly roundup is here to help you stay on top of all the latest in social media and other interesting facts, trends, tips and questions.

This week featuring:

Social Media Growth Hacks: 

1 – 3 Essential Stories You Need on Your Website to Attract Customers

2 – 7 Weird Social Media Marketing Habits All Marketers Need to Break NOW

3 – How to Use Emojis on Instagram Effectively

Bonus: Why “Go Viral” Is Not An Effective Content Marketing Strategy

Just For Fun: 12 Things Successful People do on Sunday Night


Social Media Growth Hacks

1 – From Judy Carter (Contributor to Entrepreneur): 3 Essential Stories You Need on Your Website to Attract Customers

Want to have more customers, opt-ins on your website and clicks on your “Buy Now” button? Do what Hollywood does — use stories to sell your products and services.

Many businesses are losing customers because their methods of reaching them are outdated. Want to get people to buy your product? Then get them to listen. Here are three essential stories you need on your website to do just that:

1. Your customer’s story

2. Your company’s story 

3. Your personal ‘heart’ story

Read more.

2 – From TopRank Blog: 7 Weird Social Media Marketing Habits All Marketers Need to Break NOW

7 Weird Social Media Marketing Habits All Marketers Need to Break NOW

We all have bad habits. Some are easy to break while others quickly find their way back into our lives. The same can be said for social media marketing habits. Once you get in a routine, it can be hard to break habits that are helping, but may be hurting your brand.

If you want to be one of those companies that has a positive impact on your community and generates tremendous value for your brand, make sure you’re not following ANY of these 7 weird social media marketing habits:

#1 – Automating EVERYTHING

#2 – Jumping on the WRONG Bandwagons

#3 – Engaging Too INFREQUENTLY

#4 – Focusing Only On YOURSELF

#5 – ASSUMING All Audiences Are the Same

#6 – Ignoring the Importance of VISUALS

#7 – PRETENDING Advertising Isn’t Important

Read more.

3 – From Jenn’s Trends: How to Use Emojis on Instagram Effectively

The wonderful world of emojis…. you either love them or you hate them. But no matter what you feel about them, the reality is that they are dominant in today’s communications.

So, you may be wondering how – or when – you should use emojis on Instagram. Is there a right way to use them? A right time to use them? How many should you use? Which ones should you use?

Answer … it depends 😉

In Your Bio: One of the mandatory places (in my opinion) to use emojis on Instagram, is your bio.

In Your Post Captions: Of course, you can use emojis in your post captions as well. This is the chance to take your brand personality a little further with each and every post and message you craft.

In Your Comments: One thing I do a LOT is respond to comments with emojis.

Read more.


From Marketing Land: Why “Go Viral” Is Not An Effective Content Marketing Strategy

Most marketers would love to go viral — they want that amazing pickup, millions of shares, tons of attention, the elusive 15 minutes of fame. Why wouldn’t you aim for huge success? It sounds amazing, right?

If you’re trying to go viral, you’re probably trying too hard.

Why “Go Viral” Is Not An Effective Content Marketing Strategy

Read more.

Just For Fun

12 Things Successful People do on Sunday Nights

Most people will tell you they don’t look forward to Sunday evenings.

In fact, a whopping 76% of American workers say they get the Sunday-night blues, according to a 2015 Monster survey.

Here are six of the twelve things to combat those Sunday-night blues and prepare for the week ahead:

  • Spend quality time with families, friends, and significant others. 
  • Plan something fun. 
  • Read.
  • Relax.
  • Eat something healthy.
  • End Sunday on a high note. 

12 things successful people do on Sunday nights


Have any social media trends, tips or tricks to share?

Read any interesting social media facts recently?

Run across any fascinating infographics?

We’d love to hear from you!

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